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What is a doula?


Doula's provide emotional, physical & educational support with a collaborative attitude, and professionalism to the birthing mother and her family. Birth Doulas may provide support to a woman in childbirth at home when a primary care provider is present or up until the time to leave for the birth site (hospital or birth center). The  Birth Doula is not the primary care provider nor should she misrepresent herself as one. In my practice, I strive to offer support with the energy of grounded compassionate sisterhood believing the moment of conception on through the birth and postpartum is a rite of passage to be honored with compassionate presence, respect & deep listening. It is an honor to be with you! 

In Person Doula Services Pregnancy Birth  


First, a FREE consultation

30 minute Zoom consultation to get to know each other & discuss support services. An opportunity to understand my style of care & personality as well as get to know you & understand the support you are looking for.


If Hired, 3 pre-natal visits (virtual & in person) focusing on topics to best serve your birth, for example, creating a birth plan together-labor support info, how intimacy & hormones support labor progress, resources, emotional preparation, teaching exercises/stretches to encourage optimal fetal positioning to 1)create efficient shorter labors 2) prevent/decrease odds of  medically induced labor & medical interventions/unplanned cesarean 3)Create a more comfortable labor experience

*Real talk-how to prevent pelvic floor tearing & damage while easing pushing in labor, parenting, postpartum care + Navigation, reflecting on the journey (These can include phone meetings)


Continuous Labor & Delivery Support (on call status at 38 weeks)

One Postnatal Visit (assistance in transition personal to your needs) within the first week postpartum 

Unlimited phone contact postpartum

Add on Services:  

Placenta Encapsulation $300/flat fee. Complete within 48 hours or less. 

Prenatal/Postnatal Massage Therapy (please see accompanying pages on website for pricing)

Astrology Natal Chart Readings $150/1 hour reading for each individual family member 

Private Yoga Instruction & Massage Therapy (please see accompanying pages on website for pricing)


Imagery above credited to Photographer:

Randi Nicole Photography






Click here to access my Resume :

and More Here! 

Currently working as a Birth Doula in the Bay Area, CA   


**Accredited Medi-Cal provider in the state of CA serving Santa Cruz County Central Alliance Members. Please message me for details & to confirm eligibility for insurance coverage**

Nationally Certified Birth Doula/Activist & Registered Birth doula in the state of MN alongside the NP Everyday Miracles located in Minneapolis, MN "Committed to reducing health disparities & improving birth outcomes for at-risk Moms. We strive to provide compassionate, culturally competent care & non-judgemental welcoming community." (Doula services can be covered through state funded health insurance in Minnesota)



Click here for Everyday Miracles details!

Photography by:

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