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B i o g r a p h y

With a passion for holistic medicine with emphasis in indigenous based medicine focused on women's health, Gretchen's art encompasses & is influenced by healing ceremonies part of Native North & South American medicine, Thai Yoga Massage, guiding Heart based hatha yoga, guiding sacred song workshops as vocal therapy in groups & privately, color & pattern therapy through visual arts, reiki energy balancing, practicing as a Birth doula & dance ceremonies.

Birth/Healing Arts Resume (Click here)


Gretchen honors music as medicine with a passion for world dance & carries a Bachelor in Music classical voice emphasis & a minor in Theatre Arts, on stage performance emphasis from the University of Minnesota Morris. Performing Artist Resume (Click Here)

Xochitl InnerG, Gretchen's artist name is the unfolding progress & radiance from the inside out. Born on the day of Xochitl "Flower" in the Tonalamatl, Gretchen finds purpose as a support for the gentle flowering open of spiritual doorways, these doorways including rites of passage with an emphasis in Birth.

"My roles in supporting the flowering energy include: 

*Women's empowerment Supporting Birth as a Doula

*Prayer by way of artistic creation (Music including voice (primarily), instruments- ukulele, guitar, Mbira, piano, simple percussion & dance

* Unconditional positive loving communication

* Energy work (Reiki 1 & 2 certified)

* Massage Therapy

* Smudging- copal cleansing

* Guiding Prenatal & VInyasa Yoga classes

* Visual arts 

* Collaborative projects within the Global community in support of health equity, harmony & healing through music & education


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